First impression
Please note that often buyers make the decision based on the neatness of your appearance at home. Take the time to fix all minor issues, immediately evident, clean up and refresh painting. Remember that no one wish to buy a house, knowing that it has a great list of works.
Excessive personalization space
For more quick sale need to get rid of personal belongings. Own photos and items directly related to you and your Hobbies, it is better to replace the neutral things, such as a painting or a watch. A potential buyer should be able to feel the owner of this house.
Minor repairs and cleaning
If you want as quickly as possible to sell a property, pay attention to little things like holes in the wall, nails in the floor or stains on the ceiling. These shortcomings catch the eye of prospective buyers and create an impression of unkempt apartment. So do not spare money and time on minor repairs and correct all defects. Believe that these costs are fully justified when selling.
Pleasant smell
The pungent smell in your apartment is capable of repelling any buyer. To resolve this problem, remove all old items, spreading an unpleasant smell or use air fresheners. But remember that too strong aroma, even enjoyable, maybe not for everyone to like and come across on the idea that you're hiding something.