Treatment of nail fungus with hydrogen peroxide

Fungal infections of the nail plates the hydrogen peroxide used for disinfection of the affected area and soften nails. In fact, the use of hydrogen peroxide is only one component of a comprehensive anti-fungal treatment.

Recommended well to steam the affected fungus nail (in water, for example, you can add chamomile tea or decoction prepared from the bark of oak). Next, take a cotton pad pre-soaked in 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide, and wrap them affected fungus nail plate. Such manipulations should be carried out twice a day for 3-4 consecutive days. As a result of such procedures, the nail turns white and becomes softer, allowing it to smoothly cut. Then recommend to treat the surface of the antifungal agent.
Healthy and fungus infected nails should be treated with different tools: this will prevent the possibility of infection.

In addition, in the treatment of fungal nails, you can do the healing baths with hydrogen peroxide. To do this, dissolve in warm boiled water 3% hydrogen peroxide solution (1 liter of water 1.5-2 tbsp), drop in bath fingers and keep them for 13-15 minutes. But keep it all the time fingers in the water do not have: the nail plate is immersed in the solution for 30 seconds, then pull out for 2 minutes, dipped again, etc. After this procedure damaged nails cut and process the surface of an antifungal drug.

Hydrogen peroxide in the treatment of skin diseases

Against fungal skin diseases, and psoriasis, it is recommended to use hydrogen peroxide. The secret of this drug is its ability to kill virtually any pathogens. And besides, this drug promotes rapid healing of tissues.
The only contraindication of hydrogen peroxide – idiosyncrasy.

The essence of treatment of fungal infection with hydrogen peroxide is that it damaged the surface of the applied dipped in a 3% strength solution of hydrogen peroxide cotton ball for 3-5 minutes. Doing this procedure twice a day, and the interval between the first and second treatments should be at least 8 hours. Duration of treatment course is determined individually, so as to get rid of fungal infections of the skin, enough the procedure was performed 2-3 weeks, and in the treatment of psoriasis is 2-3 months.