Arsenic in dentistry

In dentistry arsenic is used to kill the tooth nerve, which causes pain with caries, pulpitis and other diseases of the teeth. Arsenic is not used in pure form and in the form of ARSENICAL paste. The composition of this paste is composed of: arsenious anhydride necrotorous action antisepsis for obezzorazhivaniya pulp (camphor, thymol or carbon) and anesthetics (lidocaine, procaine or tetracaine).

Externally, the paste is a ball the size of a pinhead. It lay in the cleared channel in the pulp. Then cover with a swab moistened with camphor or phenol, and is fixed with a temporary filling. The time of action of arsenic on the nerve lasts from 2 to 7 days, depending on its quantity contained in the paste. Removing the temporary filling prescribed by your doctor. Arsenic is necessary to remove from the tooth in due time, otherwise complications can occur. After removing the temporary filling, imposed a permanent seal.

Harmful arsenic?

The minimum arsenic content shall not harm the body. However, the injury to the use of arsenic in dentistry is controversial. First, the effects of toxins on young children or the fetus of pregnant women has not been studied. If the ARSENICAL paste is accidentally swallowed, the consequences are difficult to predict. Secondly, it is seen that arsenic adversely affects the dentin of the teeth, leading to their gradual destruction. However, there are situations in which the use of arsenic justified, for example, hypersensitive to pain medications.

To avoid complications from the use of a temporary seal, it should be remembered that in any case it is impossible to prevent overexposure of ARSENICAL paste in the cavity of the tooth. It is fraught with blackening of dentin by inflammation of the pulp or periodontal tissues, destruction of the hard tissues of the tooth and even General poisoning of the body. Therefore if at expiration to get to the doctor failed, the temporary filling is necessary to remove it yourself or contact the duty doctor. After that do not delay your visit to the dentist, because the dead nerve tissue that can be removed by installation of permanent seal, can also cause serious problems.

After the installation of arsenic paste on the tooth, the pain goes away from the action of pain medication, it contains. Then the toxin blocks the nerve and begins to destroy it. When the action of anesthetics is weakened, the tooth may be a little "whining" in the first days – this means that the arsenic works. However, if the pain increases and becomes unbearable, consult a doctor.