Bleeding from breast during lactation and during pregnancy

Pregnant women sometimes there is staining with blood drops of colostrum, a translucent yellow liquid oozing from the nipples during the second half of pregnancy. This is due to the rapid changes in breast tissue resulting from hormonal changes – small blood vessels burst due to increased pressure on them.
With damage to the capillaries due to the appearance of blood in the breast milk of lactating mothers who experience frequent hot flashes milk, especially in cases of hyperlactation (excessive milk production).

Nursing mothers sometimes notice blood in the milk - blood can change the color of expressed milk from white to pinkish, appearing in the form of small droplets on the nipple or go at squeezing the nipples. This may be a consequence of incorrect pumping and damage of small blood vessels if the child is vigorously nursing. In addition, the appearance of blood can be caused by injuries to the teat – cracks or abrasions resulting from incorrect attachment of the baby to the breast or improper care nipples and areolas.

Other causes of bleeding from the nipple

Common cause of bleeding from the mammary glands – injury, which was damaged ducts. Known cases of the appearance of bleeding from nipple after discontinuation of hormonal contraceptives.

If the bleeding does not appear from the nipples during breastfeeding or pregnancy, is not associated with trauma, this is likely a symptom of any disease. When mastitis or abscess of the breast discharge from the nipples more frequently purulent than spotting, however, the admixture of blood may occur. Abscess and mastitis are always characterized by fever, pain in the affected gland, you experience swelling, redness of skin may appearance of the seal in the chest.

Often bleeding makes itself felt intraductal papilloma – a benign education, growing on the epithelium of the lacteal duct. Typically, the pain or health disorders, the appearance of papilloma is not accompanied by the blood may appear when pressing on the chest or the flow during exercise, either spontaneously, for no apparent reason. Cannot be cured only with surgery.
The most formidable cause of bleeding from nipple – breast cancer.

Also bloody discharge from breast can occur due to mastitis, ectasia (expansion) of the milky duct. In each case the cause of the disturbing symptom should be determined by the doctor. Usually requires a comprehensive examination: breast ultrasound or mammography, the study of hormonal status, Cytology. Early detection of cancer increases the chances of favorable outcome of treatment.