Foods with a high copper content

The most available source of copper for humans cereals. Leaders in its content are considered as buckwheat, oats, millet, barley groats. Just below the metal content of rice and wheat grains. Favorite pasta, especially made from durum wheat, a larger copper content of all types of cereals.

Another product with rich content of useful metal products. Beef and pork liver, kidneys, heart, brains contain copper in five to ten times more than cereals. However, chicken liver contains copper, ten times less than in beef. Copper in large quantities is contained in seafood. Consumption of squid, octopus, shrimp is very useful for filling the body with salts and metals.
In beans the milk stage copper and other minerals contains much more than in ripe beans.

A good source of copper and other metals are legumes and vegetables. Peas, chickpeas, beans and popular in recent lentils can be cooked first and second courses with a high content of copper. Useful to replenish an important element of potato, cooked with skin, pumpkin dishes, and eggplant, asparagus, lettuce, tomatoes, radishes, turnips, radish.

Dozen foods with the highest copper content (in 100 g): cod liver oil (13.5 mg), cocoa powder (4,55 mg), beef liver (3.8 mg), squid (1.5 mg), peas (0,75), pasta (0,70 mg), buckwheat (0,63 mg), walnuts (0.53 mg), oatmeal (0,50 mg), bovine kidney and heart (0.45 mg).

Fruits and berries with a high content of copper

A lot of copper contain black currant, cherry, strawberry, raspberry and BlackBerry. Copper and magnesium are seeds apples so that you can swallow with the use of a pair of bones together with a slice of Apple. Delicious and important for the replenishment of copper cranberry, watermelon, peach, pineapple. It is worth noting the high content of this metal in the nuts. Especially a lot of copper in walnuts and hazelnuts.

The gifts of nature with high content of copper

Nature always takes care of us, providing everything to maintain the body in good condition. No exception is forest products with copper content. In the first place, any wild mushrooms, especially white button mushrooms. You can maintain the amount of copper in the body prepared for the winter rose, bird cherry, hawthorn, any wild berries growing in your area.

Many medicinal herbs are able to maintain the level of copper: sweet clover, wormwood, yarrow, chamomile, St. John's wort, oregano. From these, you can prepare infusions and decoctions. Summer is useful to collect dandelion leaves and add to the usual salads, like fennel, which is also in the list of plants with a high content of copper.
A lot of copper in roots and leaves of ginseng, but its use should be very careful.

Products that hinder the absorption of copper

If you need to increase the content of copper, it is better to abstain for some time from preparations with vitamin C and foods with added fructose. Interfere with the absorption of copper the usual eggs and dairy products. Milk protein casein and a protein in eggs, resist the accumulation of this metal. Hinder the absorption of copper in alcoholic drinks. But in beer, a present which is brewed from barley, copper very much. Therefore, it is better to replace the vodka with a small amount of "live" beer.

Main conclusion: try your menu to be tailored to the compatibility of ingredients. Elaborate optimal diet allows you to enter in the menu of compatible products with the highest rates of digestibility of nutrients, salts and minerals. This will significantly improve health and reduce the need to resort to buying of vitamin preparations.