That block "Classmates"

Access to the site "Classmates" may be closed in some cases. For example, you "planted" in your computer, the virus which "stole" your username and password. As a rule, in this case, when you enter the real account you receive a notice of attempted burglary or that the page is blocked.

The site administration has the right to close the profile in case of violation of website rules, for example spamming, using other people's photos, in case of numerous complaints from other users, etc. down the page may be due to the real intervention of scammers trying to hack your profile. Several times entered a wrong username or password also can give rise to blocking of your account: so on the website exclude the possibility of the profile access by unauthorized persons.

How to solve the problem

If you have the opportunity, try to go to the page from another device – phone, tablet, another computer. If this is the case of problems with logging into the site does not occur, you will need to clean your computer. It is recommended to scan your computer for viruses. It is possible that the lock tried it. Place the system on a check and then delete all detected virus, restart the system unit and try again to go to your page.
Possible tie your account to the phone. In this case, when you try to change the username or password on your phone will receive a notification and the verification code for restoring the page.

To restore access to profiles on the main page of the site "Facebook" click the "Forgot password?". Then in the next window, fill in correctly your username, phone number or email address in the bottom line enter the picture code. Then click "Continue".
Hard to see the symbols on the image? Then press the inscription "to Show a different picture."

After this step your phone will receive a text message with the access code which must be entered in the special column on the new page and click "Confirm code". Then type in your new password in the line below, re-enter it again. Then click "Continue" go to the home page and enter your username and new password.

In an extreme case, if the above methods do not help, it is useful to check and, if required, to correct some details of your computer. In particular, you will need to edit the document "hosts.txt" which is on drive C in the Windows\System32 folder. Open that folder and find the first folder "drivers" then "etc". In the last folder, locate and use Notepad to open the desired document hosts.txt. It will need to find two lines where it says localhost (see the image) and erase all that is written below. Then save the document and restart the computer.
If these methods do not help, contact customer support.

However, remember that these methods are suitable to recover a locked profile. To restore the deleted from the site account will not succeed.