Indications of "Furosemide" to relieve oedema in heart failure

The diuretic effect of "Furosemide" is associated with the inhibition of reverse absorption of sodium and chlorine ions. The inhibition of the reverse intake of potassium is much slower.

The drug is effective in terms of acidification and alkalizing the urine, does not reduce glomerular filtration, so it is often prescribed for renal failure.
Any diuretic drug must appoint a physician, qualified. Before the appointment of "Furosemide" or "Indapamide", a thorough medical examination.

To remove a heart swelling with the help of "Furosemide" is rational when there is stagnation in the big and small circle of blood circulation. Also, the drug is prescribed for cirrhosis of the liver with symptoms of portal hypertension, edema of brain, lungs, in cases of poisoning by barbiturates, severe form of hypertension in treatment, hypertensive crises, with late toxemia of pregnancy.

To relieve swelling with the help of "Furosemide" the doctor to tailor the dosing regimen for each patient. The maximum daily dose is 80-160 mg, divided doses. If you reduce the swelling, the drug is used 2-3 times per week with equal time intervals.

The rationality of taking "Indapamide" instead of "Furosemide"

When the puffiness with the help of "Furosemide" may experience numerous side effects – from dizziness to depression. Currently, for long-term use is increasingly prescribed "Indapamide" - saluretikami with moderate diuretic activity.
In the treatment of any diuretics carry out monitoring monitoring of laboratory indicators in blood plasma levels of sodium, potassium, calcium, electrolytes.

"Indapamide" in therapeutic doses has almost no effect on carbohydrate and lipid metabolism. Can be used in complex or monotherapy of edema associated with heart failure.

The optimal daily dose of "Indapamide" is 2.5 mg in single dose, max 10 mg in two doses in the morning. Indications – hypertension, edema due to heart failure.

The main contraindications "Indapamide" are an acute violation of brain blood circulation, severe functional abnormalities of the kidney, hypersensitivity to the active substance. The drug is also not recommended in severe forms of diabetes and gout.