What is hop cones

Hops is a perennial climbing plant, preferring shady damp places and rich humus soil. Its seedheads (cones) contain a rich set of biologically active components: essential oil, tannins and coloring matter, organic acids, plant hormones, flavonoids, b vitamins, ascorbic acid, micro and macro.

For medicinal purposes it is best to collect cones in the middle of August, when they are not quite ripe and are painted in a yellow-green color. Dry buds should be protected from the sun, well ventilated place, spread a thin layer on the fabric.
Snap off the stems with a stem length of about 2.5 cm, or when dried, they will crumble.

Use hop cones

Since hop cones used for brewing beer and yeast for the dough. Bread baked on the hops, you'll be magnificence and extraordinary flavor, and the beer is tart bitter aftertaste. To prepare the starter, a glass of fresh hops, you need to pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and put in 4 hours in a warm place. Strain the infusion and allow to cool to a temperature of fresh milk. Add 2 tablespoons of sugar and gradually add just enough flour to make dough the consistency of thick cream. Dough knead well, cover with a thick cloth and leave in a warm place for a few hours for fermentation.

In folk and modern medicine infusions and decoctions of cones are used for the treatment of diseases of the urogenital, cardiovascular and nervous systems, as bile and diuretic. The essential oil of hops is part of the preparations "Urolesan", which helps with cystitis and pyelonephritis, and "Valocordin".

A decoction of hops cleanses the blood vessels and thins the blood, infusions used in the treatment of gastritis, tuberculosis, diseases of the joints, insomnia, as well as in dermatology to combat dandruff and acne. Bitter acid humulone and lupulone contained in the stems of hops, produces a bactericidal and healing effect. Infusions and decoctions of the stems are part of many cosmetic products. Hop cones is recommended to fill the pillow with insomnia.

To prepare a teaspoon of crushed stems, pour a glass of boiling water and heated in a water bath for 15 minutes, then cool and strain. Take 50 g 3 times a day 40 minutes before meals with sleep disturbance and increased nervous excitability. To treat wounds and inflammations on the affected area to apply a gauze compress soaked in the infusion.

Decoction of hop cones can wash to get rid of acne and to rinse your hair for the treatment of seborrhea. Tablespoon stems of pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and boil for half an hour, then strain.

Hop cones for breast augmentation

It is believed that the ingestion of a decoction of hop cones or lubrication of the breast essential oil of hops increase breast. Truth this statement is. The stems of hops contains plant hormone estrogen overdose which has adverse effects on the body. The result of taking it may increase not only the chest, but the fat layer on the stomach and thighs. Sometimes disturbed menstrual cycle, increase vaginal discharge.
Abuse of infusions and decoctions of hops may lead to growth of fibroids and fibroids and uterine bleeding.

The damage of hop cones

Overdose of hops, can lead to nausea, vomiting, headaches, palpitations, allergic reactions. Contraindication to receive them is pregnancy. Infusion of stems of hops has a lactogenic effect, but take it while breastfeeding only after consulting a doctor.