Techniques of work with manual milling machine

All operations performed hand router, divided into the milling grooves, slots, quarters and other recesses in the workpiece. They can be located along or across the layers, go to the edge or to be closed.

Sometimes these forms perform certain structural functions, forming a permanent and detachable joints.

Manual milling machine can profile baseboards, mouldings, glazing beads, trim and other molded profile products. It is also possible to crafts, furniture and interior design, elements of which in addition to the functionality, are more and decorative load.

Processing of contours and complex surfaces hand router used in the manufacture of unique interiors, original furniture and fine goods. Such work requires templates, which allow high-precision copy number of repetitive complex shapes, giving them absolute identity. Handheld Fraser handles special functional elements – the grooves and holes for locks and spikes, sheds and so on.

In serial production for milling these elements, use a specialized tool, whereas in everyday life are enough to make universal a router.

Milling machine and work with it

Manual milling machine handles wood special cutters, which consist of a cylindrical shank and a working part with a cutting edge. Today, there are a large number of mills with different material, shape of the cutting edge in design and size. Soft woods are processed cutters with blades made of high speed tool steel, whereas the solid materials (oak, beech, ash, aluminum) milled blades made of hard alloys.

To give the product a certain shape, the cutter is provided precise positioning in three dimensions relative to the workpiece. Manual mill installed in a vertical position due to the dive gear, which moves the motor and the cutter along vertical guides of the machine and stops it at a predetermined height position. When working milling cutters with guide bearing, it runs along the edge of the workpiece, providing a certain distance between the work piece and cutter.

Cutter with guide bearing is called edging and can be used for edging workpieces.

Choose a good hand mill

To purchase a quality hand mill that will last you for years, when buying, pay attention to a number of important characteristics of the unit. In the first place, its capacity needs to meet the job target – find the optimum ratio between the weight of a router and its power. For domestic purposes, you will need the device easy and medium level.

When choosing a router note the device power-up, which should be equipped with protection against unintentional switching on and locking mechanism. Without it, the switch will hold and to ensure that the Assembly did not cause you injuries. Also choose manual mill with steel cone-shaped collets that need to be made of hardened steel.

Conventional steel collets rattle during operation, which complicates the process also, they are very worn out during heavy use.

In addition, a quality mill should have a dust bin, a molded sole made of stamped metal and with wooden (plastic) plate and rod mechanism with precise adjustment. Table a router needs to have a reliable point mounting system height adjustment, and provide impeccable visibility. Do not forget about angle gauge, which allows you to copy the blank – when you purchase find out whether it adjusts to the chosen model.

Safety measures when working with hand router

Major and vital safety measures when working with a milling machine manual type are the following rules. Configuration of a router and a drill is carried out only when pulled out from the socket a cord. Performing milling, it is necessary to firmly hold the unit in hand because it can break and seriously injure the operator.

Remember that when you work with a hand router on your clothes should not be hanging elements that can be wound on the mill.

It is always necessary to firmly secure the workpiece (a simple Board or nearly finished part - the door, window or something else), otherwise the cutter can rip it and throw with great force. This is called reverse effect of the punch – cutter takes the material and gets a powerful retaliatory strike, which can pull the router out of hand. To avoid this, you need to firmly push the router to the base and slowly move it in parts. The thickness of the shear layer should not exceed 3 millimeters.

When working with the unit, use a respirator to avoid breathing in the fine dust occurring during milling and harmful to the lungs. And be sure to check reviews experienced users on specialized forums in Moscow, Saint-Petersburg, Samara, Ekaterinburg and other major cities.