What do the prostate massage

Prostate massage is the male doing to collect excretions (secretions) from this gland. Along with the secret of the prostate gland gets rid of harmful microorganisms. The therapeutic effect of the procedure is due to mechanical impact, resulting in the irritated nerve endings and blood vessels dilate. Massage improves blood supply and lymph circulation in the body.

This procedure is prescribed for the treatment of prostatitis, a course of massage can speed up recovery. It is also prescribed for the violation of potency, inflammation of the seminal vesicles, prostate secretion analysis. Some urologists recommend men healthy preventive procedures to preserve sexual activity.
After massage of the prostate in men increased potency, sexual intercourse prolongs and orgasm improved.

This type of massage is contraindicated in the acute stage of prostatitis, in the presence of stones in the prostate, tumors of the prostate, urinary retention, presence of cracks in the rectum and anus, in acute infectious diseases, tuberculosis of the prostate. In these cases, the procedure can lead to swelling of the gland and spread of infection to urinary tract.

How to do prostate massage

Prostate massage is performed by a doctor or a specialist, trained to the technique of its execution, in this case, the procedure for reviews is well tolerated and does not cause unpleasant or painful sensations. Each session lasts about 1-2 minutes. Before conducting the massage, the physician must examine the patient to verify the absence of the disease or its aggravation. If necessary, the doctor may prescribe anti-infective therapy a few days before the procedure.

During the massage the prostate, the bladder should be full. The man should lie on your right side and pull your knees up to your stomach. To relax the muscles of the pelvis, the prostate needs to be massaged while the patient is in a standing-flexed and knee-elbow position. The bladder is not emptied to the prostate was in a better impact position.
For therapeutic purposes massage 2-3 times a week, you will need 15 procedures. 15-20 days, a second course.

Prostate massage - rectally, it is held by the right thumb of a masseur through the anus. Before the procedure, the therapist puts on the hands of medical gloves and a finger smeared with vaseline. After penetration is the mechanical effect on the prostate: squeezing and stroking. Completed the massage by rubbing the midline of the prostate for extruding the content.

The procedure may be a special massager. On him wearing a condom lubricated with water-based lubricant and insert into the anus. This device can be used alone, to correctly perform the procedure, you can watch the instructional video on the use of the massager.