You will need
  • In order to understand how to use psychology in their own interest, take the following:
  • Absolutely everyone has any dissatisfaction, or in other words, weakness.
  • Weaknesses are different, most often it is: the need to respect, flattery, love, and recognition (social), physiological (sleep, food, sex), in the self, in material wealth, security, etc.
  • This is the basis before you apply any psychological technique with the aim to lead the conversation in the desired direction, or to induce the person to any action, is to understand what the problem or the weakness of man. Next, you should based on the acquired knowledge, to act, as if giving what he lacks. Now we consider the basic techniques:
The surest way to establish trust relation in the conversation, it is a "mirror" of the source.
Do not hesitate to copy facial expressions, gait, hand gestures, tone of voice, rate of speech etc. But do not fall, do everything naturally, just as it does your partner, no need to follow every gesture of the interlocutor, feel his condition, zero under this condition and, only then, can "lead" his companion. Under the "conduct" refers to the fact that you can guide the conversation wherever you need and can even introduce your interlocutor in state you want, be it anger, fear, sympathy, or enthusiasm. After your partner felt that you the same as himself, then its subsequent behavior and mood will depend directly on your.
This technique is well have small children. The purpose of this reception is to encourage others to want to do for you what you need. To evoke pity in most cases is not difficult. The main disadvantage of this technique is that you can misunderstand, or not even pay attention.
"Three Yes."
The reception is quite simple. Ask the interviewee 3 formal questions that he answers: "Yes", and then ask the question, the answer you want to hear, too "Yes," and your interlocutor of inertia will be more inclined to a positive answer than negative.
1) is This the personnel Department?
2) You Tatiana?
3) I talked to on the phone?
Can you give me 10 minutes right now?
A choice without a choice.
The purpose of this technique is to put the question so when you answer the man thought that he had a choice and he responded as she wanted, and in fact his answer is only part.
For example:
-I would like to continue our communication. What part of day you have tomorrow is less busy?
Okay. I'll call you after lunch.(Or: "Okay. So let's meet at 16:30....")
Not every occasion, but no less effective.
The purpose of this technique is to make the interviewee decided that you completely agree to his words and no I have no objection. You fully agree with all that the interlocutor speaks, nod throughout the conversation, "assent," and in that moment, when your communication will become easy and friendly, you add the fact that you can still do that and that, and gradually lead to the conditions that you are comfortable.
The main objective - gradually and slowly.
We ' ve all heard the phrase: "don't promise more than you can do." But if we are talking about, to interest to the conversation of the person from whom we need something in the next 30 minutes or longer (depends on what you promise), then perhaps this technique is what you need. Promise to be more interesting interlocutor or a promise to achieve some individual goals. The main thing - do not overdo it.
It's very simple.
Every speaker inspires, and if you say the same thing often, your words sound like a prophecy.
Fear and blackmail.
Not very ethical, but but about its effectiveness, hardly anyone will dare to argue.
"Fear is the best motivation." This statement is true, but not for all. This is a rather extreme technique. We are not talking about the threat, the idea is to encourage the person to do something, as a result of fear of something, be it the Bible, the monster under the bed, the parent, and much more. Fears each person fully.
Example: "-don't go out tonight because my mom will swear"