Expert opinion on the correct principle of communication with the child next not to meddle in his occupation only if he asks you personally for help with words or gestures. Its parent loyalty at a time like this you would tell him that he has everything planned come out and the game will be held.
If the child asks for help, help him, but just that he really can't run without your participation. Gradually give over the reins even in those moments that the child was no strength in his hands.
Listen to the child at his emotional problems, but do not assign them yourself. Demonstrate discontent with the baby if his actions cause you negative feeling. Do not ask your child impossible, too difcult for him at the moment.
Apply sanctions in relation to the child, not the punishment! Certain rules and restrictions must be for your baby, but they should not be too much. Your requirements it should be flexible. Be able to negotiate with your child, come to the Golden middle, where "the wolves are sated and the sheep intact".
Teach your child more, punish less. Misbehaves? So, you simply have not yet learned how to behave properly. To be learning even the most difficult child. When you punish be sure to in detail explain what you did, otherwise, you will receive anger or fear.
Do not let training and education of the child on the course. Constantly talk to him, explain rules of life, tell him stories, read stories, poems. When picking him up from kindergarten, from grandparents ask in detail what happened to them today is interesting. Develop in the child the need to tell my parents all sore, trust them.