In Nizhny Tagil train

Station "Nizhny Tagil" refers to the Sverdlovsk railway. From the North to the city can be reached from Kushva Kachkanar, Perm. From the South from Ekaterinburg. Using railway transportation in Nizhniy Tagil of the nearest towns on the commuter trains, and from afar. The city is connected by direct rail links with Moscow, Prioblem, Kharkov, Adler and Novorossiysk. From Ekaterinburg to the city twice a day there is high-speed Express.
Bus service

The city has a bus station so you can get here by road transport. Nizhny Tagil has a bus service to and from nearby towns, and major cities of neighboring regions. You can get here by bus from Yekaterinburg, Perm, Tyumen, Chelyabinsk.
In Tagil on private transport

Nizhny Tagil is a road hub, so you can get this place from different directions. From the South to Nizhny Tagil is accessible from Yekaterinburg, Chelyabinsk and other cities. From the North, the city is the second of Severouralsk, Serov, and. On the East side in Nizhny Tagil can come from the Kirov and Irbit.

In the city civil airport there. However, this does not mean of remote regions you can get here only by train. From the near Ekaterinburg Koltsovo airport can be reached in Nizhny Tagil for 2.5-3 hours. From there you can go to the railway station or bus station of Yekaterinburg. There is also a possibility to order a taxi to Nizhny Tagil. In Koltsovo, respectively, it is possible to fly from many corners of our planet. Ekaterinburg airport is the largest in the country outside of Moscow and St. Petersburg.