You will need
  • a vessel of heat-resistant material;
  • - coals;
  • - sulphur;
  • - resin;
  • - tobacco;
  • water;
  • - hot peppers;
  • - liquid soap;
  • - wormwood;
  • - nightshades;
  • - onions, garlic and coriander;
  • - tansy;
  • - vinegar.
Will acurite fruit trees of smoke. Take the vessel from heat-resistant material and fill it with hot coals. These coals sprinkle with a mixture of 2 parts sulfur and 1 part resin. Will acurite from below the trees: most gluttonous pests will die and fall to the ground. This procedure is carried out only in calm weather.
Spray plants with an infusion made from soap and tobacco. The recipe for this soap and tobacco solution is: pour the tobacco water (ratio of ingredients 1:10) and leave the mixture in the course of the day. Then strain the infusion and dilute soap solution (for 10 liters of water take 35-40 g of liquid soap).
Prepare a decoction of bitter pepper: to 1 liter of water, take 4-5 pods of pepper. Chop the pepper and cover with water, bring solution to a boil, then boil for an hour and leave for another two days. Strain the solution and mix with a bucket of water. Wear gloves, goggles and a gauze bandage and then just start spraying the plants with this remedy burning.
In order to get rid of caterpillars in your garden, prepare the following tool. Take 1 kg of dry sage, cover it with a small amount of water and boil for 13-15 minutes. Then cool the decoction, strain it and dilute with water to 10 L. Before use add the solution 45 to 50 g of liquid soap.
Caterpillars can not stand the plants rich in essential oils, for example garlic, onion, coriander, etc. Planted on the site such plants, and that it is securely protected from the invasion of arrogant gluttons. Also don't like these pests as the aroma of nightshades (potatoes, tomatoes and others) and tansy.
Effective against voracious caterpillars vinegar solution. For its preparation take 10 l of water and add a Cup of 9% vinegar. Vinegar solution spray plants attacked caterpillars.