People have still a strong prejudice against this disease, so you should not tell about his diagnosis all around you. About your HIV status should know your doctor and sexual partners, in terms of past relationships and present. You are not required to provide information about your health condition to the employer, neighbors, classmates, teachers, and friends and family that you trust.
Your diagnosis imposes on you certain obligations, this applies to both medication and prevention of infectious diseases, and concern about the safety of the people around them. Avoid unprotected sex, avoid casual sex, and fights. During the fight, and you and your opponent to start bleeding and there is a small probability of getting in an open wound.
HIV it is possible to control, it is only a small part of your life, not whole life. So keep a positive attitude and don't turn away from loved ones. Some friends and acquaintances may not understand and stop to chat, but there are always those who will appreciate you regardless of HIV status. Behave decently and don't pay attention to haters.
Treat yourself with respect. Your illness did not make you better or worse than you were before the diagnosis. Don't focus on the disease and not divide people into healthy and HIV-infected patients.
Don't be afraid to ask for help if you feel the need. In many large cities and regional centers there are special centres for psychological support and self-help groups. These organizations bring together people with similar problems, and there you will be able to talk about their problems and get expert advice.