First of all, make a General cleaning in your closet. Remove all clothing and thoroughly wipe with a damp cloth all the shelves and walls, doors, leave open.
After that air the room in which the wardrobe. Conduct such a procedure at least once in two months. Make it a rule to ventilate the Cabinet as frequently as you air the house.
Wash things before putting them back in the closet. If washing powder couldn't handle the smell, then after washing, soak the clothes in water with fabric softener for 20-30 minutes. Then rinse, dry and place on the shelves.
In the stack of sheets put the pieces scented soap, a smell which is associated with purity, then the bed linen will bring a pleasant freshness. Always keep the wardrobe closed, especially while cooking. Do not dry linen in the kitchen and smoky room. Do not hang in the closet and wearing wet clothes.
Use different flavors and odour absorbers. Buy them in the store or make yourself. Place them on a shelf rack capacity with charcoal, it quickly absorbs odors. Secure with tape on the walls of the wardrobe scented sachets with your favorite fruit tea. Don't forget to change them every 2-3 weeks.
Lay on the shelves of peel of citrus or a small cotton bags filled with aromatic herbs, then a pleasant smell in the closet will be guaranteed. In addition, this is a good way of dealing with moths.
Pour in the jar of a little instant coffee and leave it open. Coffee will absorb any unpleasant odors and create a pleasant aroma. Do not throw away empty bottles from-under spirits. Place a vial of a favorite scent on the shelf, then he will serve you yet a while, creating a pleasant aroma. Spirits saturate a handkerchief or tissue and place in the closet.