Men want to build a career, become financially stable and then start a family. And the more complicated the career goals of your choice, the longer he will not be thinking about marriage.

The second reason why he doesn't want to marry you already live together. You share a roof over my head, sleep in the same bed, spend time together, you have a common purse and in fact you are no different from married people. For many men in such a situation, the meaning of marriage disappears at all.

So what about women dream of having a family? Talk to your man. Ask him how he sees your relationship in the future if he's thinking about the children. Make it clear to him that marriage is not only a bed and a purse, and a sign that you are willing to take responsibility for each other and for their offspring. Of course, you probably do not immediately receive an offer to get married. But your beloved will certainly think about your future together.

Unfortunately, there are some categories of men who, regardless of the circumstances, it is not ready to marry. Look, maybe your guy belongs to one of them?


You spend a weekend apart from each other, go on vacation separately, you have no common friends and interests? And you all do something together? No matter how different are people, there always comes a moment when they cease to associate their deeds and actions only with themselves and start thinking about your second half. If your pair this still has not happened — it is a sure sign that the man is not ready for marriage.

He avoids anything that causes discomfort

Not all men are happy with the prospect of a joint lunch with the girl's parents, but they sacrifice their comfortable state for us. Because meet the parents is an essential element in building relationships. If your guy is avoiding even the mention of family holidays, then he's not ready for a serious relationship with you.

Most of his friends are single

People tend to chat and to choose friends with similar views on life. Look at the lifestyle of his friends. If they are inveterate bachelors, and then your partner probably holds the same views on relationships.

He has no long-term plans

Ask your boyfriend how he sees himself in five years what he wanted to achieve by this time. And he'll tell you whether he sees himself as the head of the family, the big boss in the company or carefree tourists on a wild beach. If he did not think about the future, about family creation and can not speak.

If any one of the items suitable for your beloved, do not be upset. Perhaps he is not ready to marry now doesn't mean that it always will be, just need to wait. How much? It depends not only from him but from you. Spend more time together, make plans for the future, try to hang out with married friends. Work on yourself and your relationship, because if he is your destiny, family happiness is inevitable.