For the preparation of aqueous infusion two teaspoons dry celandine pour a glass of boiling water and steep for an hour. Take half a glass 15 minutes before meals two or three times a day. This infusion has a diuretic, laxative and choleretic effect.
Sometimes the infusion of celandine is used for the treatment of cancer. Conventional medicine is skeptical about this tool, so the use of drugs celandine should be coordinated with the attending physician and does not cancel his appointments. For juice celandine harvested until mid-summer. Podkopat the plant by the roots, shake it from the ground, rinse in running water and gently Pat dry. Press the juice through cheesecloth, having missed the pre-grass through a meat grinder.
Mix the juice with vodka in a 1:1 ratio. Use of alcohol is impossible, since, according to some information, it destroys the useful properties of celandine. Leave the mixture for two weeks in a dark place, shaking the pot every two days. There are different patterns of taking this infusion.
The Royal concept: on the first day add a drop of infusion in 50 ml of water. Drink in the morning, an hour before a meal; - on the second day – two drops.
Increase the dose by a drop each day, bringing to 15 drops. After 2 weeks take a break for 5 days. At this time, drink infusion of hawthorn, milk Thistle, chamomile and other herbs. After the break, increase the dose a drop a day, bringing it to 20 drops. If the body reacts badly, go back to the concentration at which you feel comfortable. Every two weeks taking the drug to take a break for 5 days.
Another option:10 drops of tincture, add 100 g of boiling water and consume three times daily one hour before meals for 5 days. Starting from the 6th day, increase it by 1 one drop of tincture for 5 days so that on the 10th day the concentration was 15 drops in 100 g of water. Then do a 5-day break.
Start again add 1 drop of tincture in water for 10 days, carefully listening to the body. If you feel discomfort, return to the safe dose. After 10 days again, take a break for 5 days. Breaks take infusions of medicinal herbs.