Amstaff should not be kept in outdoor aviary, it needs to live in a house or apartment. Carefully choose the place for the puppy, it should be dry and warm. Purchase bedding for your pet and don't forget to wash it periodically.

From an early age, the American Staffordshire Terrier should understand who is the master and unquestioningly to obey you. Try even a puppy to assert its authority over the dog. But, do not forget that the education of the amstaff should not contain coercion, otherwise it will harden and become aggressive.

Bring the puppy to cleanliness. To do this every 2 hours starting from 6 am until midnight, drive dog in its designated place, where she can answer nature's call. Do not forget to praise the puppy.

Gradually increase the intervals between visits to the latrines. This will allow the shutter speed to train the dog to 5-8 hours until you will be at work.

At the age of six-month-old Terrier must be taught the command "Give!". Take the puppy its toy or bone, clearly pronouncing the command "Give!". This will allow to establish itself in the eyes of the dog as a leader, which allowed to select all that you want.

Amstaff is a leader by nature. So often keep him in the society peaceful breeds of dogs. This will eliminate the symptoms of excessive aggression from your pet.
Don't forget to give more time to games and interacting with the dog. American Staffordshire Terrier loves to play ball, but not always it brings. To solve this problem throw just two goals. After amstaff pick up the first ball, throw him a second, opposite direction. Bringing the first ball, it will immediately run for a second.
In the period from 6 to 18 months amstaff is fully formed. If at this age he will not learn the rules of social behavior, then it will be almost impossible to do.