You will need
  • - telephone apparatus;
  • - access to the Internet;
  • - the Treaty establishing a pay-line.
In the first stage, get the telephone and computer with Internet access. Telephone needed for direct reception of calls from subscribers, and with the help of computer and Internet to search the necessary information according to customer's request. Check the part number to make calls subscribers. The location of pay telephone lines is chosen arbitrarily, that is, not necessarily remove office space, at the initial stage, you can receive calls at home. To obtain permission to create a pay line will turn to the specialized services (offices of mobile communication, the regional delivery of telephone services, communication companies, etc.). The contract includes the preparation of the duties and conditions of both parties (customer and contractor) for a specified period for a specified amount of money (depending on the variety of services and the chosen tariff plan). It is necessary to have a certificate of authorization for private activity.
Then create a large database on General or specific queries. This is necessary in order for the subscriber when applying to pay referral service received accurate information, instead of spending money on empty talk. As a rule, satisfied clients are the most effective way of advertising and promotion services. For example, varieties of paid services by phone can be service information (addresses, phones, companies, enterprises, shops), get answers to various questions (astrology, horoscope, weather), specialized services (legal assistance), sex (phone sex), advertising and entertainment line (the part in the TV competitions).
For a continuing influx of new users place free or paid advertisements (in print, media, television) about the opening of a new kind of services for obtaining useful and necessary information. Also ask for help in the free reference of the company that for a percentage will direct customers. For effective promotion it is advisable to take one or several operators, depending on the amount of work. This will allow you to quickly answer calls without long waiting lines.