Learn by ear. First time listen to the presentation, not writing anything and just try to remember as much as possible. If the text is completely unfamiliar (namely, the texts usually are available for summaries), it is best read in detail, without deviation. During the pause, which makes the teacher after reading, write the main points that you remember.
When you listen to the text of the presentation a second time, record in more detail. As a rule, during the second listening is the recognition of the text and remembered all that had slipped from memory for the first time. Again, it is not necessary to scribble to the teacher at the dictation, trying to catch every word and punctuation mark. Your task is to catch the structure of the text and pass it on, preserving the author's individual writing style. Accurate reproduction of the source text will not cause teachers have nothing but doubt in your honesty. Break the text into paragraphs, trying to separate them and give each one a name. Making your own basic plan, can record fragments of sentences that are memorable, or even phrases, to show brighter in the memory of each paragraph.
The final plan of presentation should not be too detailed, but of two words, one of which is the title of the text, too, to make it not necessary. Make sure every part of your plan reflect the contents of the new meaning of the passage. If any paragraph is large and is divided into sub-themes to reflect that in your plan. It is important for teachers to understand that the structure of the text remains perfectly clear for you and to see you know how to work with the received information.