You will need
  • - pochechuynaya tea;
  • - aspen leaves;
  • - turpentine;
  • - dandelion roots;
  • - sea buckthorn oil and candles;
  • - chamomile, chestnut, Clary sage and oak bark.
Narva aspen leaves and rinse them thoroughly under running water. Put on a clean towel and let them dry a bit. Place the leaves in an enamel pan and remember. If you have a blender, then chop the leaves and press them with the juice. By the way have a juicer. Thoroughly rinse the perineum with warm water. Moisten a cotton swab in the juice and apply it to the prolapsed hemorrhoids. Keep about 1-2 hours, but longer is better.
Take pochechuynaya tea. To brew it, following the directions on the package. The course of treatment should be about 10-15 days, but not less, otherwise the result will be. Contraindications may be individual intolerance knotweed. Be careful, the gifts of nature can provoke a severe allergic reaction.
Buy in the drugstore sea buckthorn oil. Treat prolapsed nodes and lubricate the entire area around the anus. It will not hurt and rectal suppositories, which are composed of the same oil. Enter them two times a day, but processing the oil at the same stop. Don't forget to check the annotation or consult a proctologist.
Do sitz baths horse chestnut, chamomile, oak bark and sage. Mix all the raw material in equal proportions. Then boil 5 tablespoons in a liter of water, wrap up and give a little brew. The broth is dilute with warm water to 3-4 liters. Procedure is carried out for about 30-40 minutes.
Add 20 drops of gum turpentine in 50 ml of water. Moisten a cotton swab in the resulting liquid and apply on the sore spot. Gadgets need to do at least three times a day.
If the size of the dropped nodes does not decrease, go to the reception to the proctologist. Will not prevent diagnosis of disease, often with external hemorrhoids can be internal. The doctor will prescribe medication or advise you to undertake hemorrhoid surgery. Fear not, the rehabilitation process will be fast.