Prepare an infusion of garlic is one of the most known methods of cleaning vessels. 350 g of peeled garlic to pass through chesnokodavilku and place in a glass jar in a dark place for a couple of days. Then the resulting mass pour a glass of alcohol, close the lid and leave in the refrigerator for 10 days. Strain the infusion and store it in a sealed container in the fridge. Dissolve the medicine in milk and take three times a day 20 minutes before meals. Start with 1 drop and each add one drop 5 days in a row. Then from the 6th day, take the drops in descending order. And from the 11th day take 25 drops for the reception, until the end of the infusion. This cleaning of the blood vessels of the heart can be performed every 3 to 4 years.
Prepare a mixture of 100 g of birch buds, chamomile flowers, yarrow or St. John's wort, immortelle. To get the infusion, pour 1 tbsp. spoon mixture of herbs with half a liter of boiling water. Leave to infuse 20 minutes, strain and press. Add a Cup of infusion a teaspoon of honey and take it in the morning on an empty stomach every day until the herbal mixture will not end.
Mix 2 cups of honey with a glass of fennel seeds and 2 tablespoons of chopped Valerian root. Bring the mixture with boiling water up to two liters and pour into the thermos. Leave for a day. Means take 1 tbsp. spoon half an hour before meals.
Mince 1 kg parsley roots, 1 kg of celery with root, 2 lemons. Mix with a glass of honey. Store mixture in a glass container in the refrigerator and take 2 – 3 tablespoons on an empty stomach in the morning.
Pour 1/3 Cup of flax seeds liter of water, bring to the boil and simmer for 2 hours in a water bath. Leave the broth to infuse overnight. In the morning strain it. You get about 850 ml of jelly, which is enough for 5 days of treatment. Drink 1/3 glass on an empty stomach in the morning and before food evening for 15 days. After 3 months, repeat the course of treatment to consolidate the result.
To prevent slagging of the vessels of the heart complement your diet with 1 kiwi and 1 grapefruit per week, eat more vegetables and fruits, sea fish, nuts.