The advantage of this method of treatment of cough is that it does not require the purchase of expensive and not harmless drugs. The risk of allergic reaction during inhalation with mineral water tends to zero. Excluded systemic effects on the body, inhale vapors get into the bronchi. Well, the most important advantage of this method is the ability to treat at home. The procedure can be arranged at any convenient time, and the effect will not be worse than if it was held in a physiotherapeutic Cabinet.
For treatment you can use any alkaline mineral water, for example, "Borjomi" or "Narzan". A great effect can be achieved, if you take for inhalation "Essentuki" (No. 4 or 17).Pour the contents of the bottle into a glass and let stand in liquid for two to three hours. To allow gasses faster out, stirring the water with a spoon.
If you have an inhaler, do with it. In this case, no preparation is needed. Fill the reservoir of the device 4-5 ml of still mineral water for three minutes and breathe the fumes. Carry out the procedure every four hours. Preferably the period of treatment to refrain from walking. Eating before and after inhalation is contraindicated (it's better to sustain an interval of at least hours).
No inhaler is not a hindrance to the procedure. A glass of still mineral water, heat to 45-50 degrees and covered with a towel, inhale the vapor. Due to this, the steam will rush into the respiratory tract, not to scatter around the room. The frequency and duration of the procedure is the same as when you use the inhaler.