You will need
  • - sterile needle;
  • Wat:
  • - 1% solution of methylene blue or brilliant green;
  • - camphor alcohol or a 2% solution of salicylic acid;
  • - Ichthyol ointment or liniment of syntomycin.
For starters, eliminate the cause of the folliculitis, i.e. prevent trauma to the affected skin, take drugs to enhance immunity, multivitamins, etc.
If the hair in the area of occurrence of folliculitis long, cut them. In any case, do not resort to shaving and plucking.
Do not wash the skin affected by folliculitis and put it compresses. The water in this case will be an additional irritant. But, if the disease is caused by skin contact of any irritating substances, such as lead dust or resin, they should be removed.
Open the abscesses around hair follicles with a sterile needle and remove with a cotton swab pus. Lubricate the skin in the area ulcers 1% solution of methylene blue or brilliant green, fukortsin the. Don't put pressure on the follicles to facilitate vicodine pus, otherwise you will complicate the process and folliculitis "grow" in the boils.
Treat the skin around the ulcers methylene blue, brilliant green ("Zelenka") or fukortsin, 2 times a day. Healthy skin around treat camphor alcohol or a 2% solution of salicylic acid with the same multiplicity
If after opening the abscesses with a needle no improvement, apply on the affected area the bandage with Ichthyol ointment or liniment of syntomycin. Change the bandage 2 times a day. The skin around the lesions are also treat camphor alcohol or a solution of salicylic acid.
If possible, attend the study physiotherapy treatment. Ultraviolet irradiation of the skin, the ultra-high frequency currents darsonval and promote rapid cleansing of the oral ulcers and the healing of wounds.
After the rejection of crusts lubricate the skin camphor alcohol or a solution of salicylic acid for 2-3 days to prevent relapse of the disease.