In the obituary surname, name and patronymic of the deceased person include in strict order: Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich. It is impossible to speak of the dead as of the living, that is, starting with the name, patronymic and surname. Observe the marital status of the deceased in hierarchical order, for example, "Relatives mourn the tragic death of a doting father, a beloved husband, an only son, most reliable friend...".
Definitely a sign of respect to the deceased should be spelled out the date and place of birth, and date and place of burial, to those who knew the deceased can come to the tomb to honor his memory. Be sure to mention the date of death, so that people had the opportunity to commemorate the departed in the world other person. Don't let the gloomy pessimism of the presentation. Writing an obituary is a tribute to the deceased, it is therefore important to reflect the importance of the most productive society of the stages of his life.
If you write about a famous leader or a combat veteran, it is appropriate the most concise to tell about the life and merits to society. Be sure to list all the regalia of the deceased. Under no circumstances do not allow criticism of the deceased. If the person led an immoral life, Express regret about the adverse external circumstances. If the deceased was pious, be sure to mention in the obituary about his deeds.
Expression of sympathy is the main component of obituary. With these words should sound a promise to keep the memory of the deceased during his life who were close to him. Avoid overly emotional text, weigh every word. Don't use pretentious or too high-flown expressions. Remember that relatives and friends of the deceased are currently experiencing pain. Therefore not one word should not offend the memory of the deceased.