To start, you will definitely want to check with breeders. Better if even before the birth of the puppies. You need to know and see the conditions in which are contained dogs, learn all about the features of the parents, their health and character (this is also reflected in the individuality of puppies). When breeding Yorkshire Terriers is very important a responsible approach to the number of puppies in a year - they should not be a lot. So if the breeder has for sale more than two or three dogs look for another. Also, the owner is obliged to show the documents confirming the standards of the breeds of both parents.
Now ask the owner to talk about the standards that is Yorkshire Terriers, and to explain why the parents of the puppies and the puppies they correspond to. Standard Yorkshire Terrier is a miniature dog with a smooth, flowing on two sides and long hair. It should not be wavy. The eyes should be dark and shiny, with a characteristic watchful and attentive eye. Bite - scissors bite and well built.
Note the color - it needs to be a deep peach or dark Golden brown. Where the hair is especially long (the head, the area around the ears). the cover should be darker. On the neck the coat is usually lighter. The dark metal hue, purebred Yorkshire Terrier is distributed with the occipital part, back and to the tail. The tail should be covered with hair.
Note how moving the puppy if he is? A healthy Yorkshire Terrier puppy is incredibly curious and agile. He boldly plays with his brothers and sisters, interested in things around. If he spends much time or can not participate in games - quite possibly he had problems with rear or joint dysplasia. Yorkshire Terriers are quite located to the disease. There is a simple technique to test the mental health of a puppy should take a key ring and toss it near the dog. If a small Terrier gets scared or reacts with indifference - perhaps it's something wrong. A healthy puppy will rush to be interested in the subject.
Do not buy a Yorkshire Terrier in the poultry markets are a hotbed of infections, there are sold mostly weak and untreated animals, and the documents are often forged.