If you are a subscriber of "Beeline", then your service is "Hello". To activate it, dial on the phone keypad a short number 0770 and press the call button (to disable also have a toll-free number 0674090770). As soon as you get on the phones and hear the operator's voice or an answering machine, listen carefully to all instructions and follow them. It should be noted that the connecting operator funds from the account does not remove, the fee will be taken directly for use (for installing tunes, for example). Subscribers of postpaid system will take 45 rubles (per month) and prepaid subscribers will charge a 1.5 R daily.
Clients of MegaFon can choose a service that allows you to activate the song instead of the tone, from two different. The first is a service called "Music box". It includes a huge library of constantly updated songs. In addition, there is the service "Music channel". To connect it simply, you need only use the number 0770 (call, wait for the response of IVR and press 5). Activation of services is also available through the self-service system "Service-Guide". Also subscribers can log in "my account" and manage your services there. Learn about the cost of the "Music channel" and "Music box" at any time on the official website of the company.
Replacement of beeps to the tune available to the clients of "MTS". Subscription to "GOOD’OK, you can make call to toll free number 9505 or 0550. In addition, at your disposal is the USSD command *111*28#. In that case, if none of the numbers do not help you to activate the service, contact your nearest communication salon or in the office. Do not forget about the "Internet Assistant" (located on the operator's website). The connection "Beep" will cost you 50 rubles 50 kopecks. Disabling free (call *111*29#).