Vitamin B6 is ingested after a meal: adults: the recommended 20-30 mg one to two times a day for children dose should be reduced according to their age. The course of treatment with this medicine is around two months. In some cases, appointed injection, for example, when the human intake of vitamin B6 or with vomiting after admission.
Additionally, this drug should be taken by women who use drugs containing estrogen, for example, contraceptives. Also increase the dose should be for pregnant girls, as this time the body is experiencing a big shortage of this vitamin, especially in the last months.
Adolescents suffering from acne are also encouraged to take pyridoxine, but it is better in the ointment. Such means relieve the redness and inflammation of the skin.
For the treatment of anemia should be taken orally at 100 mg daily or 100 mg intramuscularly, two times every seven days. Also in parallel you need to take drugs such as Riboflavin, cyanocobalamin, folic acid.
Disease Parkinson doctors prescribe vitamin B6 intramuscular injection of 100 mg/ day, the rate is 20-25 injections. It can be repeated after two to three months.
Paradoxicalism in the treatment of seizures adults drug administered intravenously or from 30 to 600 mg, and children of 10-100 mg every day. Pyridoxine is also prescribed for bad wounds, sleepiness, catatonic state, and when the shock.
This drug has contraindications: hypersensitivity to this particular vitamin and all b vitamins, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer. In these cases, apply the vitamin B6 is necessary with care, under constant medical supervision of the patient.