You will need
  • Calculator, pen.
According to the modern encyclopedia speed is a characteristic of translational motion (of the body), is numerically equal to the uniform motion against the traversed path S to the intermediate time t, i.e. V = S / t.
To find the speed of a ship against the tide, you need to know its own speed and the speed of the current.Your own speed is the speed of the boat in still water, for example, in the lake. Let's call it - V own.The rate of flow is determined by how far the river will carry the object per unit time. Let's call it - V tech.
To find the speed of the boat against the current (V PR. tech.), need of own ship speed subtract the speed of the current.So, got the formula: V PR. tech.= V own. - V tech.
Find the speed of the boat against the river's current, if it is known that the intrinsic speed of the vessel equal to 15.4 km/h and the flow velocity is 3.2 km/h 15,4 - 3,2 = 12,2 (km/h) - the speed of the boat against the river's current.
In motion is often required to translate km/h to m/s. to do this, you need to remember that 1 km = 1000 m 1 h = 3600 s. Consequently, x km/h = x * 1000 m / 3600 s = h / 3.6 m/s. so to convert km/h into m/s you need to divide by 3.6.For example, 72 km/h = 72:3,6 = 20 m/s. To convert m/s to km/h multiply by 3.6.
For example, 30 m/s = 30 * 3,6 = 108 km/h.
Translate km/h to m/min. For this recall that 1 km = 1000 m 1 h = 60 min. Then x km/h = 1000 m / 60 min = x / 0.06 m/min Hence, to convert km/h to m/min divide by 0,06.For example, 12 km/h = 200 m/min. To convert m/min into km/h should be multiplied by 0,06.
For example, 250 m/min = 15 km/h