But not all methods of treatment be used during pregnancy, as some may harm the fetus. Excluded from the attention from all the medications due to side effects and contraindications. But there is an alternative and it is necessary to use.
It is necessary to revise the diet to eliminate the constipation. In pregnancy, the fetus their weight puts pressure on the organs located in the abdominal cavity, including the intestines. This makes it difficult passage of feces. Pregnant women usually lead a sedentary lifestyle, and this leads to constipation.
You need to enter in the daily diet of dairy products, which improve the intestinal microflora.
Daily eat boiled vegetables: carrots, red beets, potatoes, cauliflower. Make the first course a must in daily menu.
To improve digestion and ease symptoms of hemorrhoids every day, drink one of the fresh vegetable juice:
- 1 carrot, 7 leaves of spinach, ½ stalk of celery;
- 1 turnip (potato), 100/150 g watercress;
- 1 Apple, 1 carrot and 10 pieces of grapes.
Drink one Cup of whey in the morning on an empty stomach.
For help with bleeding hemorrhoids drink half a Cup or a glass of sauerkraut brine in the form of heat.
Exclude from the diet of raw cabbage, green vegetables, mustard, black rye bread, pepper and unripe fruit. These products are not fully digested and hard edges may scratch the lining of the rectum and cause bleeding hemorrhoids.
A good result gives an introduction into the anus at night suppositories with sea buckthorn, candles of candied honey, aloe Vera and raw potatoes, with a thickness of a little finger.
If the entry candle causes a sharp pain, it is possible to insert a plate of the aloe leaf (inside-out) between the buttocks, as close as possible to the hemorrhoids. Aloe Vera has an analgesic effect and helps you guys to get involved into.
Soothes and anaesthetises the compress of cooled infusion of chamomile flowers (2-3 tablespoons) or a compress of freshly squeezed juice of red beet or carrots.
If you need to do an enema, it is best to prepare a decoction from the leaves of wild strawberry or decoction of blueberries.
Cracks in the cones of hemorrhoids well lubricated clean ihtiola or ointment Shilajit is harmless and effective.
You need to remember that the local procedure will be carried out on clean surfaces. Traditional sit-contrast baths are contraindicated for pregnant women. Not all herbs are safe for pregnant women, so you can use only tested recipes.