You will need
  • documents to confirm business activity - copies of the certificate of registration in the unified state register of individual entrepreneurs (for individual entrepreneurs), the certificate on the tax registration and INN assignment, the passport entrepreneur (page with photo, name and address of registration); power of attorney (original) of the established sample to persons who have the right of transactions on behalf of the PI, signed by PI.
Take and read the terms and conditions of purchase at METRO Cash & Carry. Assure them the company if you are a representative of a legal entity.METRO sells goods to customerm (cardholders METRO) or the customer's representatives, the private shopping center for the wholesale trade only for resale in the retail trade or for professional use.
Collect the documents needed to obtain maps client METRO Cash & Carry. She can use:

individual entrepreneurs;

legal entity;

representative offices of foreign companies;

representative offices (branches, divisions) of the Russian companies;

Go to the nearest shopping center METRO. Customer card is issued to all of the shopping center METRO cash & carry. It is free and immediately gives you the opportunity for shopping at the Mall. You can get additional maps customer METRO, but it only happens in TC METRO, which was registered by the company. Allowed clearance for the organization no more than five customer cards. If the company preregistered, you should provide all the previously issued cards.