To be sure that the body got Epstein-Barr, you need to know its main symptoms and manifestations. Usually, the disease is generally asymptomatic, or, or hiding under the guise of colds. However, sometimes this virus could develop into something more and lead to infectious mononucleosis. General signs of infection: high fever, weakness, sore throat, swollen lymph nodes in the neck; there is a possibility of the lesions. High risk of development of angina, occurrence of jaundice, enlargement of the spleen or liver. The disease caused by the Epstein-Barr, on average, lasts a month, rarely a little more.
Depending on what form the disease (acute or chronic), specialist and appoints treatment. By the way, the whole therapy is usually performed in a hospital, where doctors will also be able to follow routine and diet of the patient, to collect tests. To suppress the virus Epstein-Barr appointed antihistamines, immunomodulators, antibiotics, corticosteroids. The treatment often aims at eliminating the symptoms of the disease (for example, if the virus was the cause of tumor formation, assigned to anticancer drugs, special therapy; and if there was, say, a ruptured spleen, then the patient will be prescribed rest and hormonal therapy).
The chronic form of the disease are practically not amenable to complete cure, the medication for this has not yet been invented. And to overcome chronic fatigue syndrome appears because of the transfer of Epstein-Barr, can be overcome with the use of immunomodulators (e.g., interferon), physical therapy, nutritional diets, and exercise.