Sign up in social networks like "Odnoklassniki", "Vkontakte", "Hydepark", "Facebook", etc. today, social networks are the best way to find old friends or relatives.
Start your search for a man, putting in the appropriate field of any of the social networks of his name, patronymic (if known) and the known address (place of residence).
Review the search results. Find the right person. Then add it to friends and contact him by writing messages.
How to find a person at the place of residence, if the search in social networks has not produced results. Contact appropriate authorities in your locality who can provide you with information on census, of which you will be able to find out this person lives at the address, or have already left the old place of residence.
Check the address book (phone book). Calling on the phone, found there, by your address, you will be able to learn information about the person and find him. Get, with the permission of the investigative authorities (in the case of missing person), information from the database of the security services.