You will need
  • Tile trowel, foam, glue or asphalt mastic, dowel, reinforcing mesh, plaster
First prepare the wall surface to remove loose plaster and otshtukaturili it again to obtain a smooth surface for laying the foam.
Using the tile trowel brush leaves the foamand the wall prepared with glue and press it onto the wall. After drying, the adhesive fix sheets with dowels in the center and in the corners.
To glue the foam with the help of a bituminous mastic, heating it to a temperature of 180 degrees, causing the wall and pressing the sheet foamand for a few minutes.
After I glued the foam, you have to start the plastering. On the foam , place reinforcing mesh, and have it spend the plastering.
The mesh hung horizontal rows, starting with the top row. Adjacent the belt move with an overlap of 5 cm
Wall stucture conventional or mechanized. Plaster apply in 3 layers: first, the cement thickness up to 5 cm, then lime-cement thickness of about 1 cm and in the end make a textured treatment by spraying up to 0.5 cm thick.
The reinforcing mesh is fully recess in the layer of cement. With a spatula smooth out the putty on the grid. To create a smooth and more durable surface pospolite the final layer several times.