State accreditation is a confirmation or establishment of the state of the status of higher educational institutions by type and kind (College, Institute or University), level of programmes, their focus, and the quality of training of graduates. The newly organized separate branches or universities, as well as new specialty can obtain accreditation only after the first release. Any University must provide the necessary documents at the first request of the incoming students. Additional information about the educational institution may be consulted in the Rosobrnadzor. Accreditation the University is different from accreditation of its program. The curriculum of a College or University approved by the Minister of education of the Russian Federation, any University can be accredited and not accredited programs the main reason – poor quality. If in school you pass a non-accredited program, and a state diploma is not worth waiting. Accreditation can be unexpected, as a rule, it involved specialists conducting the analysis of the quality of the educational institution. Accreditation may also participate in the students are testing a special program that will allow you to confirm the reputation of the University. Validated the scientific program and the quality of education, estimated recruitment and the conditions of education. Considerable attention was being paid to the sites of the University, transparency and validity of information posted. After the successful accreditation of the University are given a certificate and some kind of enclosure, where they are accredited specialty. The certificate may indicate the type of educational institution (high school). No one branch can not be self-certified without the head office. Each branch must have the mandatory copy of the certificate and application. If the University for whatever reason could not be accredited, the national accreditation Agency can give an institution a time, to improve the overall situation. Accredited higher educational institution is considered to be more reliable and prestigious, the University will receive state support, and students rely all the benefits provided for by the legislation.
How is the accreditation of the University
Universities must pass the state certification every five years. This process confirms the quality of the educational institution and its right to issue diplomas of the state sample. The time had come to see how in fact is the certification of the universities.
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