You will need
  • - passport;
  • - title documents;
  • - cadastral documents;
  • - the statement;
  • receipt about payment of state duty.
In accordance with the fact that Federal law No. 122-F3 "On state registration of ownership rights to immovable property and transactions with it" came into legal force on 30 January 1998, all property issued prior to this time, has no certificate of ownership. This is because prior to 1998, all transactions were conducted through the notarized documents of title, contracts of sale, gift, certificate, received after the adoption of the inheritance in the prescribed manner.
To renew the house and get a certificate of ownership, which today is the main legal document, update all technical documents.
If the house has only a technical passport, the expiration date of which is unlimited, and you will not be issued cadastral documents, contact the Bureau of technical inventory. Please submit application on a special form of unified forms, legal documents, passport, pay the state fee for the technical staff to come to you, will inspect the house and outbuildings.
Cadastral passport issue and plan on the basis of the conducted inspection. The expiration date on these documents is limited. If you already have cadastral documents, but since their design has been more than 5 years, you will have to upgrade them to get the statement for registration of property rights.
To the state registration chamber will present the statement, you fill in the space on the form is a unified form, extract from feature of the cadastral passport and a copy of the cadastral plan for the house, documents of title received up to 30 January 1998. All documents must be submitted in original and photocopies. In addition, you need to pay the state fee for the registration and applied to a prepared receipt documents.
In one month the house will renew and you will receive a certificate of state registration of property rights.