Analyze your relationship and understand that everything was not so smooth. It is possible that you diligently turned a blind eye to some of the problems and disadvantages suffered, compromised, and still nothing happened. Understand that the relationship is filled with suffering, does not bring happiness, and that means you do not need.
Cross out the past and not go back to him even mentally. At least until I can't do it without crying. Stop all communication with ex boyfriend phone, social communication and personal meetings. Do not visit places which you may encounter.
Don't lose faith in yourself and don't look for flaws. Try to maintain optimism and good mood even in difficult times. Often tell yourself, how you are beautiful, successful and smart, you have the confidence in themselves and their abilities.
Keep an active lifestyle, communicate more with friends and don't close yourself to yourself. Get out into nature, into the clubs, walk more and exercise. This will help to distract from worries, will allow you to recover quickly after a breakup.
Take time to yourself and your desires. Use the time that was freed after a breakup. Take care of your Hobbies that didn't like the guy. Now you can attend any event without asking for his permission to communicate with guys and behave as you want.
Take care of your appearance, don't run yourself over a breakup. Better use this to spice up your look. Change your style or even hairstyle. New image is committed to start a new life, will give you confidence.
Communicate more with real people or in chat rooms. Make new friends, don't shut yourself up in your shell, be open. You don't have to start a new relationship, at first just feel loved and needed.