Frequent signs of a cold for baby is the temperature and dry cough. After a few days illness, he should be moist. A child can quickly get better, you will need the medication, mitigating cough and thinning mucus. They should recommend a pediatrician. If the baby continues to podkalivat two weeks straight, ask the doctor to prescribe him a massage, breathing exercises and physiotherapy.
To cope with the lingering cough will help and steam inhalation. Use the steamed leaves of plants, such as eucalyptus, sage, lime, mint, and pine needles of fir and pine. Good effect in infections of the upper respiratory tract has thyme and mother-and-stepmother.
Effective in cough and use of compositions of essential oils: 1 drop of eucalyptus oil and tea tree or thyme; the mixture of one drop of oil of eucalyptus, lavender and tea tree (2 drops). During inhalation, be sure to cover your eyes child with a handkerchief.
To reduce attacks, try at night to RUB the chest of the baby a small amount of eucalyptus or Myrtle oil. In 3-4 years the child can be led to the bath, adding to the water in the steam room all the same aroma oils. Stay in the steam room, start with 3-5 minutes. The result is noticeable the next day - cough becomes less.
If the cough does not pass, regardless of the treatments (from drugs to folk remedies), examine the child for various infections. The cough may be caused by microorganisms that are good at hiding from the immune system of the baby: pnevmotsitami, mycoplasmas, fungi, Candida or chlamydia. They get into the bronchi of the child by droplets, usually accompanying the common cold and flu. Treatment for each of the four infections required different. If not in time to see a specialist, the baby may develop a protracted bronchitis.