This document spelled out in detail all the types of work required, the time of each construction stage, calculation of necessary materials. However, the estimate is a document containing a fairly General figures, which are always adjusted in the course of construction. In practice, when the level of prices for materials and the cost of execution of certain works is constantly growing, it is necessary to recalculate the cost estimated in real investment funds, based on the change in their level at the moment.
Cost of the conversion can be executed in 3 main methods. Basic-index method - is the main essence of it is the calculations based on the basic prices (prices as of 01.01.2006, g) using the existing or projected indices of growth of prices in the construction field. Recalculation of funding for all kinds of works with estimates in real prices is made according to a specially developed index conversion, which are developed on a quarterly basis and approved by separate orders. The full list of indexes of recalculation, developed on different materials can be studied on the website of the Ministry of regional development of the Russian Federation.
Resource method is to use the current prices to the cost of construction of all possible resources - fuel, labor, machines, etc. - according to the existing standards specified in construction documents.
The third method is resource-index, which includes elements of accounting as in accordance with resource method and using when calculating the approved indices for construction materials and labor costs.
To facilitate the work of the conversion price, there are special programs. They are usually unable to recalculate the estimates of the basic cost for construction contained in the approved Collection of basic prices for certain types of construction works, which was released in 2006, in current prices using the standards applicable at the time of recalculation indexes. Data processing in the program is automatic - after conversion to work with data, you can move the calculations into MS Word or Excel .