You will need
  • varnishes, tools,
  • - cotton pads
  • - liquid varnish remover
Ideas for decorating nails you can come up with and develop yourself, but it is much easier to choose a journal or the Internet of many thousands of samples option and move it with photos on your hands. How to draw on nails image from any photography?
For starters, you need to carefully consider photos and study all the details of nail Polish: what color nail Polish was taken as a basis, what colors were printed whether selected manicure sequins or other embellishments. If lacquer of some shades at home no need to buy it, and photography manicure better to take with you for the right choice.
On the nails, apply a base layer of lacquer that matches the image on the photo. First you need to determine which techniques applied to illustration. Usually use 2 main techniques: pictures with a needle or fine brush.
With a needle draw in more liquid varnish deposited on the nail - the result is different slightly blurred around the edges of the patterns. On the nail coated with a base lacquer that is still wet, apply one or more small drops of the varnish of the color you need to create patterns. Then with a needle are made of the movement of drops in a drop, and create desired patterns.
Tassel usually draw on the already dried layer of base paint - drawingsmade in this way are more clear, although it is possible to use the brush for drawing liquid varnish ( different paint then the bizarre mix on the nail). It is necessary very carefully, without picking up a lot of Polish on the brush to reproduce the desired pattern on the nailsusing varnishes of the selected colors.
Accurately repeating the selected image, it must be secured using a special coating is then applied pattern will be more protected from careless treatment and your hands will retain their gorgeous appearance for a long time.