Before you stop the nighttime feeding, you need to remember that while breastfeeding they are required. Otherwise the hormone prolactin, thanks to which it supports lactation, just will not be produced.
If a child eats every few hours, first try to stretch intervals between feedings. Thus their number will be reduced.
When a child eats a night, you can assume that he eats not during the day. In this case, increase the volume of the last evening feeding or make it more tight. Last suitable for children already receiving solid foods.
Children often manage is not even awake. Therefore, in order to break the cycle of night feedings, you need to Wake the child every time he asks for milk. The scandal in this case is almost inevitable and should be ready to pay, but the probability that the next time the baby just won't Wake up, it's big enough.
For children, reach the first year of life and do not leave the habit of eating a night, you can offer a mixture of bottles, and mugs. Such drinking also requires awakening and mindfulness. In the case when the baby requires no food, and solace from the sucking reflex, this method can be quite effective.
Another option is reducing the amount of night feedings. Gradually decrease the amount of the mixture, reducing it to a minimum, which subsequently replace with plain water. The child becomes accustomed to the fact that delicious milk is no more, and stops waking up.