Follow strictly the prescribed form of submission of the application. In the upper right corner to completely specify the position, name and address of the location of the institution, the initials of the person to which you are applying. In this case, that person is the headmaster. Miss one line, write with capital letters the word "petition", and then with a red line with a capital letter describe the reason you decided to make this appeal.
The petition is usually written in two copies. The one you should leave in the office of the Secretary to the Director of the school, and the second must be the date of receipt of the petition. If necessary, the motion to attach certificate confirming your request or suggestion. Such documents always play a crucial role in the filing of such statements and speed up the processing time.
Ask for help if you don't know how to draw or to state the purpose of filing your petition. The cost of such services is usually not more than 300 rubles and is really worth it. But you can be sure that your application will not be returned due to a wrong booking.
Always think about what will entail your treatment. If your child is already studying in this school, we think over the smallest details, as it is in any case should not affect his status in the school. If your petition contains complaints and claims teachers be sure that this information will remain confidential.
An application for admission of child to school should be written in achieving the learning age, which is about 5-7 years, given the fact that the classes may be overcrowded and you will have to wait a year or apply to another school.
Don't forget at the end of the petition to put a date and signature. Describe and list the attached documents. Follow these rules and you will achieve results the performance of compiled applications.