Agency recruiters often complain that many candidates come unprepared to the interview with the employer. To successfully pass the interview, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • reasonably to tell about your professionalism.

  • to present personal characteristics;

  • to know about the scope of the company, about competitors and about the industry in General;

  • to examine the direction of the market;

  • the right approach to the issue of compensation package.

The stages of the interview.

Prior to the interview.

It must be remembered that a good preparation for the interview is one of the factors which contributes to obtaining the coveted workplace. Analyze the points made above successful interview. Think about what clothes you wear to the interview and what will be the style of conducting the interview.

The content of the interview.

Think about what are the key points of success in your career. First of all, tune in to what you are worthy of this position and the workplace in this company. Of course, this need to convince and employer. Define your "basic information" and gradually reveal it in the interview process. Do not be afraid to come back to her during conversation.

We need to use this information when answering questions of the employer.

Employer by the end of the conversation needs to be convinced that you are the right person for this position.

Stick to a certain style of interview. Listen to the questions until the end, don't interrupt, ponder the question, it may contain a hidden meaning or implication. To answer the interview is brief and to the point. Pay attention to the reaction of the interviewer in your answers. Develop the topic and answer in detail where appropriate.

After the interview.

In the allotted period of time try to get a few proposals from different companies.

Let us consider in detail all submitted proposals to you.

Take one of the most attractive offer.

There are two types of questions, especially in the selection of candidates the business analysts and top managers in the interview process. These questions are most often used by major consulting companies when searching for professional candidates for leading positions.

The first version contains questions that are aimed at studying General ideas about the applicant, his professionalism and personal characteristics, namely:

  • by what criteria do you determine that you have achieved success? Are there any specific examples where you have succeeded in your work?

  • why you think you deserve this position?

  • for what reasons, in your opinion, to fire a subordinate?


The second type includes the so-called "stress" questions. These questions are asked in the interview process to study the situation, when at you is pressure. To answer such questions, you must be able to cope with psychological stress:

  • whether you implemented big projects?

  • how would you describe our company?

  • why do you think that you deserve this pay rate?

  • how many interviews you have passed before you apply to our company?
