A method of measuring the volume of the object with water was open to the Greek scientist Archimedes. To determine the volume of any body need to take a container of liquid, it is better if the container is transparent. The vessel must be applied to the scale division and to measure the volume occupied by water. After that, the water should immerse the body whose volume you want to learn. As soon as the water rises, you must mark the new level. The difference in levels, obtained by measurement and is equal to the volume of the immersed body.
In addition, it is possible to determine the volume of the object by measuring the amount of water displaced by it. For this purpose, in a vessel brim full of water, it is necessary to load the body. With the displaced water should be poured into another container and measure the volume, which will be equal to the desired volume of the body.
When finding the volume of a hollow body you can also use the water. For this you need to fill it are available, subject, and then pour the water into a glass, which is applied to the scale division. The measured body volume is equal to the volume of contained water in it.
You can calculate the volume of any body, knowing its density and mass. It is necessary to divide the available mass of the object on its density. To know the density of the material from which made a particular item from the reference table "Density of solids".
To calculate some of the figures are derived mathematical formulas. For example, for finding the volume of a cylinder we need to know its radius and height. The volume of a cylinder you will receive by works of "PI" to the square of the radius and height of the body (V=π*R2*H).