Laser work based on the principle of fractionality, that is, the formation of pulses comprising beam mikrolučej. Due to the selective action on the tissues of the pulses in the form of coagulation of the pillars adjacent skin is not damaged, and at the place of impact starts a natural healing process and growth of new tissue. Facial rejuvenation is performed by stimulating the main component of the rejuvenation of collagen.

The process of facial rejuvenation can be performed in centers of laser medicine. Such centers are equipped with specialized gear that allows you to get the desired result. The advantage of laser treatment is a painless procedure that should not be repeated more than four times, and you will be younger by a few years. One procedure lasts less than an hour. You don't have to change your lifestyle, as this procedure does not damage the skin. After laser resurfacing not long postoperative period.

This procedure can be carried out as girls from 17 years to combat the effects of acne and to eliminate expression lines and deep wrinkles. Still, it is advisable to begin to conduct such procedures after thirty, when it begins the aging process. In this case, exposure to laser is preventive.

In addition, laser resurfacing can be combined with other cosmetic procedures that only improve the expected result. But do not forget that to begin treatment you need to consult with a specialist. Need to find out the magnitude of the procedure and the equipment with which it will be implemented. This depends on the result of the process.

There are some contraindications to laser rejuvenation. They are reduced by the presence of pustular skin lesions in the affected area, presence of cancer, cardiovascular diseases and thyroid diseases. Therefore, to achieve the effect without undesirable negative effects you can find all the information you need in laser medicine. Highly qualified specialists will always help you to weigh the pros and cons, to choose the most suitable option of rejuvenation, which will help to get the desired result.