Who to contact if there are serious psychological problems? Consider the main specialists are able to help you.


It's people who have received higher education on this specialty. You can contact him for consultation, but neither the diagnosis nor the treatment he is assigned, he can just no right.


This is primarily a doctor. He can diagnose and prescribe if needed, medications. To see him can come not only sick but also healthy people, a visit to this specialist does not mean that the patient will put on the account in the mental hospital. It can treat epilepsy, insomnia, phobias and other similar diseases.


She spent a psychiatrist for at least three years and pass an appropriate qualification. Only he can do psychotherapy (hypnosis, art therapy and other such therapies). He has the most extensive powers, he can heal anyone and anything.


It is a psychiatrist, entitled to engage in psychological analysis of drawings, dreams. Note that in Russian is not taught such a degree, so such a specialist must be foreign education. But even in this case, he will not be able to work in Russia for such posts. He can only use elements of psychoanalysis in psychotherapy.