Some beauties are getting ready for beach season in advance and after the Christmas holidays start to watch your diet, visit the gym and, of course, do many treatments for getting rid of orange-peel. What if before the holidays little more than a month, and your skin is still far from ideal? Do not panic, it's time to learn how to quickly get rid of cellulite.

Of course, any illusions about the fact that all imperfections will disappear at the wave of a magic wand is not worth it. For getting rid of cellulite you have to work, but it's worth it. So, consider that the stock you have 1 month time to give your skin a perfect look, you must do the following:

  • Scrub. The scrub can be bought as industrial production and to make their own hands. If you want to create hand-made, as the basis for the scrub, take your favorite shower gel. Now add back the hard particle granules of ground coffee, coarse sea salt or sugar. Apply bought or homemade product on problem areas and massage thoroughly for about 5-7 minutes, then wash off the scrub. Carry out the procedure every day. This will improve blood circulation and restore skin tone.
  • Wraps. Once or twice a day after showering with the scrub, apply on the places affected by cellulite, mix for wraps. You can buy in any store cosmetics or pharmacy, and to make your own from clay, seaweed, honey, etc. If you use purchase, the take a tool with a cooling effect, it has fewer contraindications and perfectly tones the skin.
  • Massage. If you don't have any chronic illnesses, please connect it to your anti-cellulite program massage. The best effect is cupping. Silicone jars sold in pharmacies, but before to carry out the procedure, consult your doctor, there are a number of contraindications. If the doctor permit to conduct massage, to make it through the day. Can alternate: day massage, day wraps.
  • The use of anti-cellulite creams. After all the above procedures apply to the skin with special skin care products: cream, cellulite serum or anything for skin elasticity. Cosmetics choose to your taste and wealth. For example, the good reviews have the means firms Floresan, Vitex, anything special and others. Any cream rubbed into the skin massage movements to full vpityvanija.

If you will daily and work hard on yourself, performing all beauty treatments, cellulite on legs, buttocks, abdomen and other problem areas will go unnoticed. And if you want to speed up the process, follow the diet: at least remove from the diet sodas, fast feet and a sharp and salty foods in the evenings, and add a bit of sport. But even if you are not able to eat correctly and exercise, and well-organized care will give excellent results.