Accepted for safe storage goods and materials are deducted from the off-balance account 002 at the time of transition to the organization of property rights. The basis is a contract for the purchase of goods and materials. After retiring from the off-balance account 002 inventories necessary to reflect on its balance sheet. When reflected on off-balance account 002 construction material the customer the contractor to the extent of use of materials gives the customer a report. After approval of the report by the customer, the contractor withdraws materials from off-balance account 002. Upon completion, the contractor may not use a part of such materials. In case of return the customer materials are deducted from the off-balance account 002 transaction on the loan account 002. If the materials remain with the contractor, necessary implementation materials.
Off-balance 003 takes into account the materials and raw materials of the customer, not paid by the manufacturer and accepted for processing. Write-off of materials with off-balance sheet account 003 is transaction on the loan account 003 on the basis of the report on the consumption of materials. The report must be signed by all members of the Commission, approved by order of the organization.
The cost of leased inventories shall be written off to expense at the time of signing to the lessee of acceptance-transfer of the property. Accounting for the movement of such assets it is necessary to organize on off-balance account 012. Write-off of materials with off-balance account 012 occurs at the end of the lease transaction on the loan account 012.
Off-balance 013 accounted for inventories is used in the manufacture of various experimental devices for scientific research or experimental design and technological works on the subject(the contract). After the dismantling of the experimental device inventories written off Memorandum accounts 013, and possible to use materials recorded on the balance sheet at market value on the date of accounting on the basis of primary accounting document.