Not to shoot down the fever if the child carries it well.

Lowering the temperature does not affect the cause of the disease. On the contrary, fever is a protective reaction of the organism, it prevents the reproduction of viruses and bacteria and stimulates the production of antibodies. Therefore, if the temperature does not exceed 38.5 degrees, and the child complains of nothing, it is desirable not to bring down. The exception is children, poorly responsive to increased temperature, for example seizures, heart defects and Central nervous system, metabolic disorders.

Do not get carried away antipyretic and analgesic. Remember, they do not treat the cause of the disease and may mask the symptoms complications.

Reduce the body temperature by wiping with room temperature water or putting a wet towel on his forehead.

Do not coddle the child with temperature – this may worsen his condition. Too warm clothing leads to violation of heat loss and greater increase in body temperature. Dress your baby up freely and easily, regularly ventilate his room (in his absence). Optimal room temperature is 20-22 degrees.

Do not force your child to spend time in bed, if he is quite cheerful and active. Look at his health.

Do not take medications unchecked.

For example, do not in any acute respiratory disease to take antibiotics. Because most of these illnesses are caused by viruses for which antibiotics simply do not work. And antibiotics to prevent the development of bacterial complications may lead to negative result, as it can be destroyed by the microflora in the body. To diagnose bacterial complication can only be a doctor, for the treatment of the most commonly used penicillins (eg, Amoxicillin), but the Biseptol is almost never used, it bacteria have already developed resistance.

Do not get carried away vasoconstrictor drugs for the common cold (such as naphazoline, nazivin, Otrivin). They can be used no longer than 3-4 days, otherwise it can become addictive and even strengthening the common cold. Often better rinse the nose with salt solutions or tools, such as saline, Akvamaris.

Use with caution in children medicinal herbs, especially if the child is prone to allergies.

Don't let without the need for drugs that suppress the cough. Cough – a protective reaction of the body for excretion from the respiratory tract viruses and bacteria, and its inhibition does not lead to healing, but rather, prevents the rejection of sputum. Most often, when SARS applied mucolytic – thinning phlegm – means (e.g., Bromhexine), but their application should be prescribed by a doctor.

Do not feed the child violently. Poor appetite is a sign that all resources of the organism in order to fight the infection, not digesting food. Better give the child plenty of warm fluids. And the food is to make liquid or semi-liquid.

Please be patient. SARS cannot be cured instantly, but applying these simple tips, you will help the child's body faster to cope with the disease.